
About Us

WiseIdentity, LLC has been creating innovative identity management and security solutions since 2002.

Core Team:

Scott Johnson, CEO

Scott Johnson has been in technology for over 40 years.  Creating his first commercial application in 1984.  In 1988 he created an identity automation process for Novell Netware 3.10 while working for a very large private company.  Scott built upon his knowledge of development with network engineering, system design and security over the next 20 years while working for small, mid-sized, large companies in the US and a very large international company, Scott continued to write management applications to automate processes.  His industry experience includes medical, financial, hospitality, fulfillment, K-12 education, higher education, manufacturing, call centers, engineering, among others. Over a period of 3 years starting in 2004, he wrote the first version of OmnID while consulting for school districts. 

Outside of work he enjoys aviation as a private pilot, martial arts, working on his smarthome, and travelling.  

Nick Rippe

Senior Developer

Scott Jibben

Senior Developer